Friday 19 August 2011

Benefits of red fruit for health

Benefits of red fruit for health 

Red fruit is classified as an alternative medicine to help people with degenerative diseases. Basically, red juice can be drunk anyone because it is supplemental material for the needs of the body. Adults or children and the sick and healthy people can drink it. Because abortion is fully active compounds needed by the body, it serves as a 'deterrent' disease in healthy people and as a 'cure' for sick people.

Cancer and Tumors

Cancer is the growth of abnormal cells that grow rapidly and uncontrollably. The cause carcinogenic substances, radiation, viruses, hormones. The content of tocopherol and beta-carotene is an antioxidant (antidote) and boost the immune system, and prevent and inhibit the propagation of cancer cells (carcinogens).

Hepatitis is a disorder in which liver function is largely due to the virus. Hepatitis B and C are not treated can develop into liver cancer (sorosis).

Red juice contains antiviral and antioxidant that can inhibit the formation of cancer cells. In addition, the red fruit spur the regeneration of liver cells.

Hypertension, Stroke, and Heart

A person with hypertension when blood pressure above 140/90 mm Hg. People at risk for hypertension if high cholesterol, eating food beverages, smoking, obesity, and lack of exercise. Diseases that often accompany hypertension are stroke and heart attack.

Red fruit contains tocopherols which can thin the blood and improving blood circulation so that the content of oxygen in normal blood. Beta carotene may slow the buildup of plaques in blood vessels so that blood flow to the brain or the heart can go smoothly.


High cholesterol in the blood, especially triglycerides and HDL (High Density Lipoprotein), can lead to calcification and narrowing of blood vessels in the heart, brain and kidneys. The trigger is the consumption of foods containing saturated fatty acid overload. Red juice can neutralize cholesterol in the blood.

Diabetes Mellitus

Pancreas gland in the body can not produce insulin in the amount needed so that the absorption of blood sugar less. As a result, blood sugar levels rise. Tocopherol improve the work back to normal pancreas.

Osteoporosis (bone loss)

The main cause because the body lacks calcium, so calcium in the bone is broken down to cover the shortage.

With a high calcium content. Red fruit can increase the amount of calcium in the body so as to prevent and treat osteoporosis.

Eye disorders

Eye disorder caused by lack of vitamin A can be overcome with red fruit. Beta carotene (provitamin A) in the red fruit is converted into vitamin A in the body.

Improve Intelligence

The content of omega 3 and omega 6 in the red fruit can stimulate the intellect.

Increase Sexual Arousal and Fertility

Red fruit is believed to increase sexual arousal. The tocopherol or vitamin E are high can increase fertility in both men or women.

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