Wednesday 17 August 2011

Cherry fruit

Cherry fruit more commonly found as a dish of fruit sweetener, such as at the top of the cake, or as a sweetener at the edge of drinks. But do not underestimate the size of this tiny fruit. Cherries (Prunus spp.) Contain substances that can interfere with cleaning the rest of the body's metabolism. To remove the fat, natural sugar content is concentrated to give energy to release debris (waste products) that are not expected from the cell body.

Scientific classification cherry fruit

Kingdoms: Plants
Division: Plant seed in
Upadivisi: Plant seed in a closed
Class: Plants smashed one
Order: Rosales
Family: Mawar-mawaran/Rosaceae
Upafamili: Prunoideae
Genus: Prunus

People say cherries or cherry fruit is very rich in properties that can help the health of our bodies. This fruit contains nutrients that are very wealthy, who tend to be low in calories. Cherries also contain many substances that can help deal with inflammation (inflammation), and even fight cancer. In a lab study, cherries are known to contain quercetin and ellagic acid, two substances that can inhibit tumor growth, even making the cancer cells to stop growing cells without hurting healthy body.

Fruit Cherries are also known to have antiviral and antibacterial content. other substances present in the Anthocyann cherries are known to reduce levels of uric acid in the blood, relieve pain in the joints. The researchers also believe that the anthocyanins may reduce the risk of colon cancer (colon). In fact, it is believed also that cherries contain ibuprofen which could form a natural, reduce inflammation and reduce pain. Regular consumption can reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. However, this does not mean that cherries can be used to treat these diseases in an instant.

Fruits - Fruits are divided into two properties namely hot and cold. And this includes cherry fruit - fruit is hot including lychee fruit, peach, litchi, pomegranate, cherries, coconut, durian and apricot. Fruit - fruit types are suitable for groups of stamina are cold, they lack the vital energy, essentially a low metabolic rate, caloric dhasilkan body slightly, so that their hands feel cold feet even dihawa heat.


In addition to functioning as an ornamental cherries can be used as a drug, one of them:
  1. For children who are experiencing fever or inflammatory
  2.  Cherries can protect the heart health
  3.  By eating cherries can meet iron, preventing hanyutnya iron, while improving blood circulation, helps fight fatigue.
  4.  With the content of anthocyanins, cherries also can cure rheumatism.
  5.  Helps reduce sore throat pain. 
  6. Contain fiber, vitamins A and C

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