Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Antioxidants compounds

Antioxidants are chemical compounds that can donate one or more electrons to free radicals, so that free radicals can be muted (Suhartono, 2002). Antioxidants are compounds capable of removing, cleaning, resist the formation of or incorporate the effects of reactive oxygen species (Ocean, 1997).  The use of anti-radical antioxidant compounds also currently expanding with greater community understanding of its role in inhibiting of degenerative diseases such as heart disease, arteriosclerosis, cancer and aging symptoms. These problems are related to the ability of antioxidants to work as an inhibitor (inhibitors) oxidation by reactive free radicals which became one of the originator of the above diseases (Tahir et al, 2003). Based on the acquisition there are two kinds of sources of antioxidants, natural antioxidants and antioxidant that is artificial (Dalimartha and Soedibyo, 1999). Antioxidants in food may come from the group consisting of one or more components of food, a substance formed from the reaction during the processing of food additives or a special isolated from natural sources and added to the foodstuff.  The existence of natural and synthetic antioxidants to inhibit lipid oxidation, prevent damage, alteration and degradation of organic components in food so as to prolong shelf life (Rohdiana, 2001).Natural antioxidants can protect the body against damage caused by reactive oxygen species, capable of inhibiting the occurrence of degenerative diseases and is able to inhibit lipid peroksidae on food.   The growing interest for natural antioxidants occurred in recent years. Natural antioxidants generally have hydroxy groups in its molecular structure (Sunarni, 2005).  The main function of antioxidants is used to minimize oxidation of fats and oils, to minimize the occurrence of damage processes in the food, extending the life of the food industry, improving the stability of fat contained in food and prevent the loss of sensory and nutritional quality. Lipid peroxidation is one of the factors involved in considerable damage during storage and food processing (Hernani and Raharjo, 2005). Antioxidants are not only used in the pharmaceutical industry, but also used extensively in the food industry, petroleum industry, rubber industry and so on (Tahir et al, 2003).


Also commonly referred to as the usual drinks or drinks served dibar. Broadly speaking, the beverage was divided into two categories, namely: Non-alcoholic Beverage and Alcoholic beverage. 

NON alcoholic BEVERGAES 

This type of beverages do not contain alcohol, these drinks kategory there are several kinds of ,include: 
1. Mineral Water 
Mineral water is water that contains minerals and derived from the soil (earth). As an example is the Aqua, Evian, Perrier and others. 
2. Artificial Mineral Water 
Artificial Mineral Water is a beverage that contains no alcohol which made similar / resembling the properties of mineral water and is usually given a certain fragrance ingredients and preserved with the use of CO2 (Carbon Dioxide). 
Type of beverage is still classified as: 
a. Soda Water 
This drink is from the Basic Water Artifial other ingredients for the beverage is airmineral, and given the CO2example: Schweppes, ZODA, F & N and others. 
b. Cola 
This type of beverage material is made of water, sugar, cinnamon, chocolate and so on, and then preserved with CO2example is Coca Cola.
c. Ginger Ale 
This type of beverage ingredients dalah water, sugar with the scent of ginger and preserved by CO2 Examples are Schwppes Ginger Ale. 
d. Tonic Water 
Materials of this drink is water, sugar and quinine was then preserved with CO2.Example: Schweepstonic water, Canda Dry. 
e. Seven Up 
Materials of this drink is water, sugar, quinine and lemon extract example is the Sprite / 7 up. 
3. Juices 
Juices are beverages produced from fruit juices in a way to blackmail him. Juice is commonly sold are: Mango, Guava, Pineapple, Tomato, Lemon and others. 
4. Squash 
This drink is a mixture of soda water with juice diatambah with simple syrup. For example, Lemon Squash, Orange Squash, and so forth. 
5. Syrup 
Syrup is a viscous liquid / solid and very high sugar yield.This syrup is produced from sugar melted with certain comparisons and sometimes blended with other flavors.such lechee, banana, strawberry and others. The function of this syrup is to make mix drinks. syrup samples are usually consumed was grenadine, simple syrup, strawberry syrup and lechee. 

Alcoholic BEVERAGES 
Alcholic beverages are drinks containing alcohol, alcohol is approximately 1 / 2% to 75%. 
Alcohol is a liquid that is obtained by / fermentation process of sugar melted. Alcoholic beverages are very many kinds, is very much a process of manufacture, which is usually made by local tradition in which the drink is made. 
As for the types of alcoholic beverages, namely: 
1. Beer 
Beer is the alcoholic beverage fermented malt grain, cereals and given the aroma / flavor hops. 
Various kinds of beer: 
a. Light Beer 
Beer alcohol content is 2-4%. Cereal made with basic ingredients and barley flour. 
b. Ale 
This species has a higher alcohol content of this type of light. Use more hops. The color is darker. Basic ingredients and aromatic malt cereal 
c. Lager 
Lager is a type of beer that is stored for longer. 
d. Stout 
alcohol content of wine types is quite high and it ranged advance of 14%, dark color, so the many who calls this beer is a dark beer. Materials essentially aromatic with lots of hops and malt are colored with caramel. 
Some well-known brand Beer: 
Indonesia: Bintang, Anker 
Philippines: San Miguel 
Singapore: Tiger, Anchor 
Japan: Kirin, Asahi 
Australia: Foster, Swan 
nerw Zealand: Leopard 
Neteherland: Heineken 
Germany: Beck's, Houston, 
Denmark: Carlsberg 
U.K. : Guinness 
U.S.A. : Budwiser, Michelob 
Beer served cold. Serving temperature ranges between  60C - 100C. Best temperature is 80C

2. Wine 
Wine is an alcoholic beverage made from fermented grape juice (grape) made in accordance with the traditions of the area where the wine was made. Wine is very rapid progress, for the first time made with grape juice but now the wine has been in the mix with other fruit flavors such as, lechee, peach, strawberry, blackberry, etc.. 
Wine now also has a lot of that stuff is not made with grape juice alone, but with other fruit juices such as banana (banana), Mango (mango), etc.., The basic income disuatu fruit regions or countries. 
Wine Classification 
a. According to the alcohol content (Manufacturing process) wine is divided into: 
Natural Wine 
Sparkling Wine 
Portified Wine 
Aromatic Wine 
b. According to color,: 
White Wine 
Rose Wine 
Red Wine 
c. According to It (sugar content) 
Brut or Nature (Very Dry) 
Extra Sec (Extra Dry) 
Sec / Dry (Medium Sweet) 
Demi Sec (Quite Sweet) 
Doux (Very Sweet) 
d. According to its function (usefulness) 
Aperitif Wine (Beverage Opener) 
Dinner Wine (Wine broadcaster to eat) 
Dessert Wine (Wine for dessert / sweet) 
Sparkling Wine 
e. According to the aroma / Flavornya 
Light bodied 
Medium bodied 
Full bodied 
The author discusses the wine until the wine here because the subject is quite vast, the authors will try to write back diartikel specific about the other wines. 

3. Spirit 
Spirit is the alcoholic beverage obtained by distillation (distillation). But make no mistake before destillasi first performed the fermentation and then distilled 
Materials to make the spirits are; 
Grains / cereals 
Agave / Cactus 
Sugar cane / sugar cane 
Fruits / fruit. 
 Broadly speaking, the spirit is divided into 2 (two), namely; 
Dry Spirit (liquor) are alcoholic beverages that have a higher alcohol content than the sugar content. An example is the Whiskey (Jim Beam, Chivas Regal, Jack Daniel's, etc.) 
Sweet Spirit (Liqeur) are alcoholic beverages that have a higher sugar content than on the alcohol content.Examples are Grandmarnnier / Orange Liqeur, Kahlua / Coffee Liqeur etc.. 
Cognac / Brandy 
The author will try to discuss the spirit of the above explanation of each along with examples. 

Ways of making whiskey is as follows: 
"Grain / flour fermented grain, resulting in an alcoholic liquid. This liquid is distilled / distillation, yielding pure whiskey is often referred to as pure whiskey or straight whiskey." 
Straight whiskey is referred also translucent color or no color (colorless). 
To make a color on the whiskey there are two ways, namely by giving the color of caramel, the sugar to burnt. and that both types of blended whiskey, that is by aging or stored whiskey in oak barrels for a period of time. 
Bottled in Bond is a term in the trade of whiskey or other drinks, which means that the drink before trading / market, first stored and bottled by government oversight .. 
Based on the producing countries whiskey, whiskey categorized into four namely: 
- American Whiskey (Bourbon Whiskey). 
- Scoth Whiskey. 
- Irish Whiskey. 
- Canadian Whiskey. 

"American Whiskey" 
American Whiskey made from grains. Grains are various kinds, for example, corn, Wheat, Rye dlsbnya. 
There are three categories of American Whiskey, which is straight, and Light Blended whiskey. 
Straight Whiskey is a whiskey made from at least 51% of grains. 
Blended Whiskey is a blend of several types of distillation, at least 20% straight whiskey, grain neutral spirit can rest, grain spirits or light whiskeys example is Seagram's 7 Crown. 
Light whiskey Whiskey is distilled to yield results of 160% alcohol at the time put into oak barrels for diumurkan (aging). Light whiskey is usually used for the manufacture of whiskey mixture. 
Examples of American Whiskey produced; Jim Beam, Jack Daniel, Segram's 7 Crown. 

"Scoth Whiskey" 
Scoth Whiskey is a whiskey that is produced from the State of Scotland. 
In a country of Scotland / Scotland there are four areas that produce whiskey, namely: Highlands, Lowlands, Campbeltown and Islay. 
Scoth Whiskey is made from barley grain species, which grow there, although barley is now to be imported from other countries. 

There are three categories of Scoth Whiskey namely: 
Scoth Blended whiskey is made from a mixture of basic ingredients barley and corn 
Pure Malt Whiskey Scoth type Scoth is made with only barley malt base. 
Light Scoth Scoth Whiskey is a type that has a light scent (light-light bodied flavor), because the color is more clear. 
 Some examples are already famous Whiskey Scoth 
- Glenfiddich 
- Glenlivet 
- Jhony Walker 
- Ballantine's 
- Dewar's 
- Maccalan 
- Passport 
- Mac Gregor 
- King George

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Work Processes As Red Fruit Antioxidants

Work Processes As Red Fruit Antioxidants

The work process of red fruit, high beta-carotene is an antioxidant that can be beneficial as blow-ups or disable the growth of cancer progression of cancer through metabolic processes. Various journals have shown that beta-carotene studies proved useful as a cancer drug. Drs. I Made Budi MSc. been tested to a variety of other degenerative diseases such as uric acid, cholesterol, heart and high blood. All these diseases are not difficult to eradicate with red juice. In other words, beta-carotene and tocopherol is like fire.

Friday, 19 August 2011

Benefits of red fruit for health

Benefits of red fruit for health 

Red fruit is classified as an alternative medicine to help people with degenerative diseases. Basically, red juice can be drunk anyone because it is supplemental material for the needs of the body. Adults or children and the sick and healthy people can drink it. Because abortion is fully active compounds needed by the body, it serves as a 'deterrent' disease in healthy people and as a 'cure' for sick people.

Thursday, 18 August 2011

Rice Benefits of Red and Black Rice

Rice Benefits of Red and Black Rice

Rice is a grain of rice (paddy) which has been separated from the chaff. Chaff (straw Java) are anatomically called 'Palea' (part covered) and 'lemma' (part covering).

At one stage of processing of paddy crops, grain ground with a mortar or ground so that its exterior (leather grain) regardless of its content. Contents of this section, the white, red, purple, or even black, called rice or rice.

Rice itself is biologically part consisting of rice seed aleurone, the outermost layer that often go wasted in the process of separation of the skin, the endosperm, where most of the rice starch and protein are, danembrio, which is a new crop of candidates (in rice can not grow anymore , except with the help of tissue culture techniques). In everyday language, called the eye of rice embryo.

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Cherry fruit

Cherry fruit more commonly found as a dish of fruit sweetener, such as at the top of the cake, or as a sweetener at the edge of drinks. But do not underestimate the size of this tiny fruit. Cherries (Prunus spp.) Contain substances that can interfere with cleaning the rest of the body's metabolism. To remove the fat, natural sugar content is concentrated to give energy to release debris (waste products) that are not expected from the cell body.

Scientific classification cherry fruit

Kingdoms: Plants
Division: Plant seed in
Upadivisi: Plant seed in a closed
Class: Plants smashed one
Order: Rosales
Family: Mawar-mawaran/Rosaceae
Upafamili: Prunoideae
Genus: Prunus

People say cherries or cherry fruit is very rich in properties that can help the health of our bodies. This fruit contains nutrients that are very wealthy, who tend to be low in calories. Cherries also contain many substances that can help deal with inflammation (inflammation), and even fight cancer. In a lab study, cherries are known to contain quercetin and ellagic acid, two substances that can inhibit tumor growth, even making the cancer cells to stop growing cells without hurting healthy body.

Fruit Cherries are also known to have antiviral and antibacterial content. other substances present in the Anthocyann cherries are known to reduce levels of uric acid in the blood, relieve pain in the joints. The researchers also believe that the anthocyanins may reduce the risk of colon cancer (colon). In fact, it is believed also that cherries contain ibuprofen which could form a natural, reduce inflammation and reduce pain. Regular consumption can reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. However, this does not mean that cherries can be used to treat these diseases in an instant.

Fruits - Fruits are divided into two properties namely hot and cold. And this includes cherry fruit - fruit is hot including lychee fruit, peach, litchi, pomegranate, cherries, coconut, durian and apricot. Fruit - fruit types are suitable for groups of stamina are cold, they lack the vital energy, essentially a low metabolic rate, caloric dhasilkan body slightly, so that their hands feel cold feet even dihawa heat.


In addition to functioning as an ornamental cherries can be used as a drug, one of them:
  1. For children who are experiencing fever or inflammatory
  2.  Cherries can protect the heart health
  3.  By eating cherries can meet iron, preventing hanyutnya iron, while improving blood circulation, helps fight fatigue.
  4.  With the content of anthocyanins, cherries also can cure rheumatism.
  5.  Helps reduce sore throat pain. 
  6. Contain fiber, vitamins A and C

Anthurium species

Anthurium is a plant that is very popular among the public and the plant seemed to be excellent among ornamental plants. Especially in this time Anthurium much sought after by society because it can be resold at a price that is quite expensive. However, these plants can have a negative impact because of this Anthurium plant may cause some people become stressed, because the former price of this crop could soar, but now the price of Anthurium plants decreased. There are several types of plants Anthurium and the price also varies depending on the condition.

Several types of Anthurium are:

a. Anthurium Jemani

b. Anthurium Wave of Love (Wave of Love) c)

c. Anthurium Hokeri

Meaning of Anthurium

Anthurium is a figure of plants that have leaves that are sturdy and compact design that symbolizes strength and protection. In the past, Anthurium plant is widely used as decorative gardens and palaces in the land of the kingdoms of Java. First impressions are captured when looking Anthurium, Anthurium leaf is especially luxurious and exclusive then this plant is worthy and deserves the title "The King of Leaves".

Anthurium Jenmani

Anthurium Anthurium leaf is a leaf type perpopuler today. Its popularity is because the leaves are thicker, more solid and compact as well as the manifold is highly variable. Call it like Jemani Teak, Jemani Jaipong, Jemani Cobra, Golden and Jemani Jemani clumps. Regarding the prices there are no standards for sure, every type has a different price.

Anthurium Wave of Love (Wave of Love)

Anthurium is known as Anthurium Wave of Love is actually derived from the type of Anthurium Plowmanii. The beauty of this type is wavy leaves so as to display a fascinating attraction. Several types of Anthurium Wave of Love in the market such as Anthurium Wave of Love leaf width, leaf Small Wave Love, Love wave Love wave clumps and Variegata.

Anthurium Hokeri

Anthurium species has leaves that are thinner than jemani and Love waves. Stalk leaves are also longer, with more erect leaves. Several types of Anthurium Hokeri market include: Hokeri Green, Black and Hokeri Hokeri Variegata. But there are also other types such as Anthurium Hokeri: Hokeri Cobra, Hokeri stalk length, stalk Hokeri Short, Curly and Hokeri Hokeri Red Stalk length.

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Benefits of jackfruit

Jackfruit fruit contains vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B compounds in the form of thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, and contain minerals such as calcium, potassium, Ferrum (iron), magnesium, in considerable amounts when compared with many other nutrients.

Some of the benefits of jackfruit among others:

1. Improving the health of the digestive tract

Jackfruit can help heal stomach ulcers and jackfruit fiber helps overcome constipation (hard bowel movements). Thus, jackfruit can help prevent colon cancer.

2. Strengthen the immune system

Jackfruit fruit is a source of vitamin C is very good, as an antioxidant yag

effective in preventing the flu and infections.

Jackfruit fruit contains phytonutrients such as lignans, isoflavones, and saponins that make up the body's protection against the onset of cancer.

4. Lowering blood pressure

Jackfruit fruits contain potassium (potassium) are important in maintaining body fluid and electrolyte balance so that a positive benefit on blood pressure regulation, thereby reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke.

5. Help health sense of sight

The content of vitamin A in jackfruit will help maintain eye health. In addition, this vitamin is also important untuj maintain healthy skin and mucous membranes (eg the nose on the inside) and improve immune system function.

5. Increased energy

Jackfruit can be considered as an energy booster foods because of the simple sugars such as fructose and sucrose. The flesh is tender, sweet, and smooth can immediately make us feel fresh again.

Bunga Phalaenopsis alias si anggrek bulan

Bunga Phalaenopsis alias si anggrek bulan penampilannya memang wah dan phalaenopsis agaknya semakin populer saja di kalangan hobbiis anggrek dewasa ini. Namun ada anggapan bahwa genus anggrek ini cukup sulit dipelihara apalagi untuk membuatnya berbunga, tapi ternyata dengan beberapa tips dan triks yang praktis dan sederhana ternyata phalaenopsis dapat dibuat agar rajin berbunga dengan indahnya dan tentunya akan memuaskan mata-mata yang memandang.

Beberapa tips dan trik yang efektif dalam merawat bunga anggrek bulan dalah :
1. Jika ingin memelihara dari kecil/botolan lebih baik membeli species/hibrida yang sudah mempunyai nama ataupun berasal dari silangan nursery yang sudah ahli dibidangnya. Bibit yang baik adalah langkah pertama yang penting sebelum melanjutkan ke langkah berikutnya.
2. Jika membeli ukuran dewasa maka kenalilah dulu sifat Phalaenopsis anda sebelum membeli
3. Banyak membaca artikel2 mengenai pemeliharaan Phalaenopsis dari buku2 anggrek atau media elektronik spt internet agar semakin mengasah kemampuan kita.
4. Akar, yang sehat mutlak dibutuhkan untuk pembungaan, jadi perhatikan media yang digunakan agar akar phalaenopsis dapat tumbuh sempurna, sifat media dipilih yang dapat menyerap air tapi tidak menyimpan air, kombinasi media dapat dilakukan agar didapatkan sifat2 yang pas.
5. Tanpa akar yang sehat, maka daun tidak akan tumbuh dengan baik, ciri2 tanaman yang sehat biasanya daun baru akan tumbuh makin besar/sama besar dengan daun sebelumnya. Jagalah daun agar tetap sehat krn pada organ ini yang berguna untuk memproduksi zat hara yang akan digunakan oleh tanaman.
6. Jaga jangan sampai Phalaenopsis anda terkena hujan, daunnya yang besar dan bergelombang sering menyebabkan air hujan tertinggal dan dapat menyebabkan jamur penyakit untuk berkembang biak dan menyerang anggrek anda.
7. Jaga jangan sampai terjadi dehidrasi pada anggrek anda, lakukan penyiraman secara teratur, namun tidak berlebih.
8. Pemupukan dilakukan pada kedua bagian daun, atas dan bawah, pada waktu pagi hari sebelum cahaya matahari mengenai tanaman anda.
9. Gunakan beberapa macam pupuk, selang-seling antara pupuk kimia dan pupuk organik, jika tanaman sudah dewasa boleh digunakan pupuk booster yang berkadar P tinggi.
10. yang paling penting erhatikan 4 unsur penting dalam pemeliharaan Phalaenopsis yang tidak dapat diabaikan, diantaranya :
a. Cahaya, Phalaenopsis termasuk anggrek yang tergolong tidak tahan oleh sinar matahari langsung, sinar matahari pagi-siang yang terhalang oleh bayangan dedaunan termasuk yang paling baik untuk menunjang pertumbuhan vegetatif dan memicu pembungaan. Umumnya Phalaenopsis dinaungi oleh paranet 65% jika area tanam terbuka dan paranet 55% jika area tanam dikelilingi oleh tembok/pohon2 besar.
b. Kelembaban : Phalaenopsis suka dengan kelembaban, idealnya antara 60%-75%, terlalu lembab akan menyebabkan jamur mudah berkembang biak, terlalu kering akan menyebabkan tanaman dehidrasi. Untuk menjaga kelembaban dapat diletakan tanaman paku2an dan gentong air yg berisi tanaman dibawah pot Phalaenopsis
c. Aerasi : Phalaenopsis termasuk anggrek epifit yang biasanya menempel pada pohon induk yang tinggi, dan menyukai aliran angin yang semilir, aerasi jg menjaga kadar kelembaban agar tidak terlalu jenuh.
d: Temperatur : biasanya kunci pemicu pembungaan phalaenopsis adalah jika terjadi perbedaan suhu tertinggi – terendah sekitar 10 derajat celcius, oleh karena itu temperatur ideal untuk si kupu2 ini adalah 18-28 drjt celcius. Jk diperhatikan maka masa-masa memasuki musim hujan akan menjadi waktu ideal untuk memunculkan calon spikenya.

How to raise green beans

1. Growing Conditions

    a. Soil

·          Texture: Clay argillaceous contain lots of organic matter, aeration and good drainage.

·          Structure of loose soil

·          PH optimum 5.8 7.0 6.7

    b. Climate

·          Optimal rainfall 50-200 mm / month

·          The temperature of 25o - 27o C with air humidity 50-80% and getting enough sunlight.

2. Cultivation Technology

    a. Seed

·          Select high yielding varieties of green beans that have been proven by laboratory testing

Ø Choose seeds that have a high production

Ø Choose seeds that are resistant to pests & diseases

    b. Land Management

·          In the former wetland paddy cultivation is not done (TOT). Land preparation is best done before planting.

·          In light-textured soil tillage is not necessary.

·          On dry land (dry) conducted an intensive cultivation of land cleared of grass, hoe until crumbly (for severe dry land piracy carried out as deep as 15-20 cm), made map 3-4 m.

·          Land of moor former plant corn, soybeans or upland rice cultivation to a minimum.

·          Provision of straw mulch about 5 tonnes / ha in order to suppress weed growth, prevents water evaporation and soil structure improvement.

    c. Cultivation

·          Time Planting

Ø In the rice fields of green bean plants grown in the dry season after rice. Whereas in cultivated land at the beginning of the rainy season.

·          How to Plant

Ø The seed planted by drill, with a distance of 40 cm x 10 cm or 40 cm x 15 cm, each hole filled with 2 seeds.

    d. Fertilization

·          In the former wetland rice plants do not need fertilizing.

·          On dry land needed fertilizing with NPK.

·          On infertile soil fertilizer urea + 45 kg 45-90 kg TSP + 50 kg KCl / ha.

·          The addition of organic fertilizers such as compost, manure can increase water holding capacity in the soil.

    e. Irrigation

·          Plant green beans are relatively drought resistant, but still require irrigation especially in the critical period at the time of germination, before the flowering and pod formation.

    f. Weeding

·          Weeding done as early as possible because the green beans can not stand to compete with weeds. Weeding is done 2 times at 2 and 4 weeks.

    g. Controlling pests and diseases

        1. Pest

·          Pests which frequently attacks are agromyza phaseolli (bean fly) meruca testualitis, spidoptera sp, Plusia chalsites (caterpillar) and lice trips.

·          Pest control is done by using high yielding varieties are pest resistant.

·          Use of pesticides when the pests do not be controlled by biological means.

        2. Disease

·          Diseases green beans commonly found among other Scierotium rolfsii, Cercospora canescens (leaf spot).

·          Control is done by planting disease resistant varieties or by using a fungicide.

3. Harvest and Post harvest

    a. Harvest

·          Green beans are harvested in accordance with the old varieties, other signs that green beans are ready for the harvest is the pod color change from green to black or brown and dry. Delay in harvesting may lead to rupture when the field peas. Harvesting is done by plucking. Harvesting can be done one, two or three times depending on varieties. The distance between first and second harvests 3-5 days.

    b. Post-Harvest

·          Drying pods carried out for 2-3 days under the sun. Expenditure was done manually seed is beaten with wooden sticks. Expenditure carried out in bags or sacks to avoid yield loss. Seeds from the pod skin cleansing carried out by Tampi. Before the green beans stored in the sun again until it reaches the dry store the water content 80-10%.