Tuesday 25 October 2011

Antioxidants compounds

Antioxidants are chemical compounds that can donate one or more electrons to free radicals, so that free radicals can be muted (Suhartono, 2002). Antioxidants are compounds capable of removing, cleaning, resist the formation of or incorporate the effects of reactive oxygen species (Ocean, 1997).  The use of anti-radical antioxidant compounds also currently expanding with greater community understanding of its role in inhibiting of degenerative diseases such as heart disease, arteriosclerosis, cancer and aging symptoms. These problems are related to the ability of antioxidants to work as an inhibitor (inhibitors) oxidation by reactive free radicals which became one of the originator of the above diseases (Tahir et al, 2003). Based on the acquisition there are two kinds of sources of antioxidants, natural antioxidants and antioxidant that is artificial (Dalimartha and Soedibyo, 1999). Antioxidants in food may come from the group consisting of one or more components of food, a substance formed from the reaction during the processing of food additives or a special isolated from natural sources and added to the foodstuff.  The existence of natural and synthetic antioxidants to inhibit lipid oxidation, prevent damage, alteration and degradation of organic components in food so as to prolong shelf life (Rohdiana, 2001).Natural antioxidants can protect the body against damage caused by reactive oxygen species, capable of inhibiting the occurrence of degenerative diseases and is able to inhibit lipid peroksidae on food.   The growing interest for natural antioxidants occurred in recent years. Natural antioxidants generally have hydroxy groups in its molecular structure (Sunarni, 2005).  The main function of antioxidants is used to minimize oxidation of fats and oils, to minimize the occurrence of damage processes in the food, extending the life of the food industry, improving the stability of fat contained in food and prevent the loss of sensory and nutritional quality. Lipid peroxidation is one of the factors involved in considerable damage during storage and food processing (Hernani and Raharjo, 2005). Antioxidants are not only used in the pharmaceutical industry, but also used extensively in the food industry, petroleum industry, rubber industry and so on (Tahir et al, 2003).


  1. antiokidan alami yang terbesar terdapat dalam makanan apa?

  2. buah apa yang kandungan antioksidan nya paling tinggi?
